Gender, work and reproduction (title)

The purpose of this project is to identity strategies for combining production and reproduction in societies where there is a rapidly decreasing difference between the proportion of men and women in employment. The in-depth interviews and questionnaires in The Nineties Report project were concerned primarily with views on work, the family and children. This material has been the subject of analysis for the last two years.

In parallel with the collection of material a global network was set up for the purpose of comparative studies of different cultures with regard to strategies for combining production and reproduction. The project leader is on the board of the Women's International Health Network and an active member of Terra Femina, which arranged workshops on this theme both at the UN Conference on Population and Development in Cairo in 1994 and the follow-up Conference on Poverty and Development in Copenhagen in March, 1995. Collaboration has now also been established with the Division of Health Promotion, Education and Communication at the WHO in Geneva (Director: Ilona Kikbuch). During the last year, interviews have been conducted with young people in other countries with a view to identifying common strategies in widely differing cultures.

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